Interesting Links for 17-05-2015

May 17, 2015 12:00

I concise guide to the current UK Cabinet. Well worth a read. (tags: uk politics conservatives ) JavaScript at 20 (tags: javascript ) Exercise alone won’t make you lose weight. (tags: exercise weight ) Beware Eurosceptic versions of history and science (tags: history science Europe ) How Many Americans Are Married To Their Cousins? (And how does that compare across the world?) (tags: marriage relationships cousins genetics ) Facebook conspiracy theorists fooled by even the most obvious anti-science trolling (tags: belief conspiracy ) Nick Clegg to become masked vigilante (tags: nickclegg superheroes funny ) Mad Max: Like dropping acid and watching a Fast And Furious film and a gore fest while reading a women's studies text (tags: movies review ) Hulk + cute animals = awesome (tags: hulk cute ) Have you heard about the awesome powers of bean juice? (tags: coffee funny comic ) UK government quietly rewrites hacking laws to give GCHQ immunity (tags: hacking laws spying ) Drummers: Smarter than you (tags: drums ) Unite could back SNP if new Labour leader ignores unions (tags: unions politics Labour snp ) WANTED: Scottish Nationalism with a head as well as a heart (tags: Scotland independence ) Schools that ban mobile phones see better academic results (tags: phones school ) Labour leadership candidates have one thing in common - they all went to Oxbridge (tags: Labour education ) The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant (tags: aging ) Time-lapse Mining from Internet Photos (tags: datamining photos timelapse ) A Dutch City Makes Room for Its River and a New Identity (tags: Netherlands rivers cities ) Testing the placebo effect (tags: placebo funny comic ) I Have Nonverbal Autism. Here’s What I Want You to Know. (tags: autism ) Free will inside the Nazi death camps (tags: FreeWill nazis Holocaust jews psychology ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

spying, ohforfuckssake, virtualreality, computers, technology, media, death, society, cia, thefuture, brain, misogyny, journalism, exercise, usa, money, internet, environment, logic, republicans, psychology, food, bias, happiness, abuse, children, libdem, links

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