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theweaselking February 10 2015, 17:07:15 UTC
You can't control who your followers are

You can, actually - blocking a user forces them to unfollow you, and if you leave them blocked they can't refollow you (or view your tweets while logged in).

But in general, this guy was an idiot who used his twitter account for work things and associated it with work, and then used it to announce to the world simultaneously that he was a repellent shithead and that he was the kind of person who works at $company.

There's a case from a few years ago about a dude who worked for Cisco, who branded his social media accounts with Cisco logos and announced that he was a Cisco employee and a Cisco expert and an official representative of Cisco, and that God really, really, really hated gay people, a lot. He started advertising his talks and conferences on how homosexuals were destroying America, using Cisco branding.

Cisco fired him, he sued, he lost big, and now he's got a regular speaking gig explaining to bigots that they're the real persecuted minority, just look at what runaway political correctness cost him.


andrewducker February 10 2015, 19:26:19 UTC
Yup, I think both guys were idiots, who deserved what they got.


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