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bart_calendar October 22 2014, 12:04:46 UTC
I thought the legalized pot in America were causing the cartels to start going broke?


andrewducker October 22 2014, 12:08:47 UTC
It's probably having an effect. But at the moment it's a tiny proportion of the states - once it really gets going you'll hopefully see a much bigger effect.


andrewducker October 22 2014, 12:10:24 UTC
We'll see whether Alaska, Oregon and DC voting kicks things into a higher gear.

(Plus Florida on medical marijuana.)


bart_calendar October 22 2014, 12:12:55 UTC
There seems to be evidence that's it's already really hurting them.



andrewducker October 22 2014, 12:36:15 UTC

Long may it continue!


bart_calendar October 22 2014, 12:37:42 UTC
Yep, something that helps American farmers and hurts international mass murderers is a good thing.


danieldwilliam October 22 2014, 12:41:33 UTC
Never a truer word.


spacelem October 22 2014, 16:11:24 UTC
Indeed, maybe setting a trend where people realise that dogmatically approaching a problem head on isn't always going to solve it.


gonzo21 October 22 2014, 12:53:28 UTC
I saw a documentary recently about this, and it was really hurting the... one or two of I think Northern cartels who specialised in pot. They were suffering a severe slump in profits, and as a result they'd become weaker, and the stronger cartels were starting to take over their territory.

And it argued this was what was behind a particularly large wave of violence.

I think there might be an argument that fewer bigger cartels controlling more of Mexico is maybe worse than more smaller cartels controlling less territory. But... One imagines at some point one Cartel will take over the whole country, and essentially declare themselves the de-facto government.


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