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fanf June 3 2014, 13:57:42 UTC
As far as I can tell, net neutrality is a collection of poorly specified bullshit workarounds for lack of proper competition in the last mile ISP market.


andrewducker June 3 2014, 14:34:32 UTC
I'm not sure I agree.

While last-mile competition is great, I'm not happy relying on competition to drive everything, and I think that basic standards are a good thing.

And as a basic standard "You shall not fuck with data because it's in competition with your own products/you don't like it." is a good one.


fanf June 3 2014, 15:29:33 UTC
One of the things I don't understand about net neutrality is why it has been imported from the US to the EU. Here our last mile ISPs have much lower prices and better performance than in the US, and we generally don't hear about stupidities like that recent Level 3 blog post. The usual observation is that there is a positive correlation between competition and performance, both in the US and the EU ( ... )


andrewducker June 3 2014, 15:53:36 UTC
Oh, I think the level 3 thing was blown out of proportion - there has always been paid peering, and if you're trying to significantly transfer more data than your opposite number are currently dealing with then you'll have to come to some kind of arrangement.

I think that the argument is that if you're with, say, Comcast, and they have a deal with Hulu, then you don't want them streaming stuff in from Hulu's external servers faster than they stream stuff in from Netflix's external servers. But then they'll just put a cache in their network for their supported services anyway.

Having competition over the last mile certainly has made a big difference in the UK, and I'm not knocking it. But I can understand that people don't want to give their ISP any kind of control over the content they deliver - they want big, dumb, pipes.


fanf June 3 2014, 16:16:00 UTC
I don't think net neutrality regulation will save users from getting small dumb pipes.


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