Should I deploy on a Friday afternoon, a flowchart - plus thoughts on sharing on social networks!

Apr 27, 2014 17:37

Different social networks behave differently. A staggering conclusion to come to, I know.

But I'm fascinated by how differently the different sites I use work.

On the 2nd of April, just over three weeks ago, hfnuala shared a link to an image over on FB that looked like this:

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Comments 17

eatsoylentgreen April 27 2014, 16:57:15 UTC


skington April 27 2014, 17:53:45 UTC
Tumblr is astonishingly bad at showing you people's comments, though - it mixes them into a huge long list of "username shared this post", which I don't care about. Why list every single goddamn tumblr user, rather than just saying "123 people shared this"?

I also don't understand why anybody would ever comment on something on Facebook that's been shared by shedloads of people and already has >20 comments, let alone hundreds or thousands. Nobody's going to see your comment! Why bother?


andrewducker April 27 2014, 17:58:33 UTC
Oh yes. Particularly with non-threaded comments. If you could reply to an individual and say "Here's something you'd like to know" then that would work, but mostly you're replying to the four people directly above you, and by the time any of them replied you wouldn't see it!


skreidle May 8 2014, 03:00:13 UTC
Tumblr is also astonishingly bad at providing any metadata whatsoever such that one could neatly share Tumblr content on non-Tumblr sites, such as FB, G+, or LJ.


andrewducker May 11 2014, 09:18:19 UTC
I share Tumblr pics on Twitter automatically. But it's a bit of a pain, because the accompanying text becomes the tweet, so I have to prune a fair bit.


autodidactic April 27 2014, 18:18:01 UTC
And every once in a blue moon, you'll get a response on an old medium from a quiet friend, at random. :)


andrewducker April 27 2014, 19:25:07 UTC
Randomness is good. Old friends even better :->


gonzo21 April 27 2014, 18:26:32 UTC
That's interesting, I thought FB had changed their system again such that setting it to show all posts by somebody no longer worked properly.

It must be absolutely hopeless for people trying to run small businesses now, you just don't ever see their posts.

If the userbase wasn't so memememe obsessed, it could become a real problem.


andrewducker April 27 2014, 19:24:49 UTC
Yup - the thing I linked to for doing that no longer works!


gonzo21 April 27 2014, 19:28:50 UTC
It's been coming for a while, but I think this is unquestionably essentially the end of Facebook as a remotely useful platform for anybody but the bigger corporations and businesses.


cairmen April 27 2014, 20:08:58 UTC
It must be absolutely hopeless for people trying to run small businesses now, you just don't ever see their posts.

Can confirm. I know a lot of people who carefully built up fanpages which are now essentially worthless.

There are still ways to profit from FB fanpages, but they require some rather byzantine tactics.


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