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artkouros February 15 2014, 15:38:01 UTC
Turns out I'm "very gay".


andrewducker February 15 2014, 15:38:39 UTC
See,it's useful to know these things! Without the quiz you could accidentally sleep with a woman!


artkouros February 15 2014, 15:51:21 UTC
Or, be married to one for 12 years.


andrewducker February 15 2014, 16:16:43 UTC
I'm beginning to think that we should have got this quiz to you earlier.

I blame the internet for not being invented sooner.


artkouros February 15 2014, 17:26:14 UTC
yes, I'm sure my life would have taken a decidedly different turn if as a teenager I had had access to the global gay community on the internet. If we had the internet. Or if PC's had been invented yet.


andrewducker February 15 2014, 17:37:46 UTC
I feel the same about having access to the global geek community.

PCs had been just about invented when I was a teen. Although they weren't really hooked up to anything. I didn't encounter the internet until 1991, when I went to university.


artkouros February 15 2014, 20:13:03 UTC
The hot new thing when I was a teen was the cassette tape with that fancy "Dolby" stuff.


andrewducker February 15 2014, 20:20:22 UTC
I remember them :->

I didn't start collecting music until I was about 17, and CDs had just been invented, so I never owned many originals, although I did own a fair number of mix tapes for portable use.


andrewducker February 15 2014, 20:20:42 UTC
You're doing a good job of making me feel young, by the way. That doesn't happen often :->


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