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steer April 26 2013, 12:56:25 UTC
Five minutes research produces that the majority of the "Wikipedia's sexism" is pretty much one man and a bot (HotCat) doing a recategorisation with the aim of moving all novelists to female novelists and I think renaming the category to male novelists. The renaming did not start because not all novelists had been recategorised. He's not particularly sanctioned to do this. Just a category nerd. There's lots of them around. He was acting against policy ( ... )


innerbrat April 26 2013, 13:03:02 UTC
I read Wikipedia categories.


steer April 26 2013, 13:03:59 UTC
Then you must have noticed they're hopelessly broken?


innerbrat April 26 2013, 13:05:53 UTC
They are!

I was just pointing out that people use them.


steer April 26 2013, 13:11:21 UTC
Yes... sorry, over generalisation, my apologies. :-)


kerrypolka April 26 2013, 16:21:04 UTC
I do too!


steer April 26 2013, 19:09:17 UTC
Apologies also to you then for my lazy generalisation.


andrewducker April 26 2013, 13:04:14 UTC
I don't know it ( ... )


steer April 26 2013, 13:10:30 UTC
Sorry, you don't know what? Oh, that WP categorisation is broken? Heh... you do now... it's really awful.

I've always just got on and edited things on WP. That fixes it. I didn't really learn a culture nor did I feel I needed to. My changes are rarely reverted but perhaps because I don't make contraversial ones. If someone reverts, I readd and fix.

But in this case actual editing wouldn't work as the guy was using a bot. Politely asking him... that would probably have worked.


andrewducker April 26 2013, 13:28:59 UTC
Yes, but my point is that if you're not a Wikipedia person then you don't know how to find that out. And while the stories I've read have probably been overblown, certainly when I see other people's opinions of Wikipedia they're of the order of "It's a bunch of teenagers and people with OCD who will pile on you 4Chan style if you dare to disrupt their carefully cultivated area of control."

Which is why I would totally understand if someone's response to "Someone on Wikipedia is doing something I don't like." is to call attention to it publicly rather than try and deal with that.


danieldwilliam April 26 2013, 16:22:51 UTC
I've certainly been put of getting involved in WP by my perception of the culture.


steer April 26 2013, 18:30:54 UTC
See below... if that is the culture it's a change that's happened in the last nine years. When I was active I found wikipedia to be unfailingly polite and helpful.


steer April 26 2013, 18:24:17 UTC
I started editing wikipedia in about 2004... made a bunch of fixes to things and added detail on short articles. Got really into it and started editing things. For three years I was really active got one of my articles to good article status, learned about procedures and so on. I never had anyone say a rude word to me the whole time. Early I made some mistaken edits and people helpfully corrected me. The only time I got reverts which put me off editing was the article on sci fi which some people were fiercely protective of and I just backed off. They were polite but they were also clear that they did not want major changes to it in the way I did. I stopped editing things in 2006 as it was taking up too much time. I don't know if that makes me a wikipedia person. I don't think it does I've no formal role, I'm just a guy who logged in and made a bunch of edits. The experience was great... really great, people would complement me on my articles, occasionally question what I'd done but usually fruitfully. Had a slightly heated ( ... )


steer April 26 2013, 13:22:02 UTC
But look, let's test the hypothesis. For this month, find me some things that are broken in WP articles, email me the links and I'll edit them. At the end of the month we'll see how many were reverted.

Wikipedia supposedly has this:
but I think it is obeyed less and less.


andrewducker April 26 2013, 13:44:27 UTC
To be clear, my difference of opinion is not over "Would it be possible to just go and change it" (arguable, but clearly an option), but with "The only reason to write this was to self-servingly raise her own profile" (which seems to me to be lacking in empathy, or understanding of the reputation that Wikipedia semi-deservingly has).


steer April 26 2013, 18:27:12 UTC
It's possibly she's just a very lazy bad journalist who couldn't find the time to talk to anyone knowledgable about wikipedia and didn't have the ability or knowledge to track down what really happend so by accident wrote a stupid article that happened to self-servingly list her on the list of great female american novelists. Honestly, though, how is she not embarrassed to publish something without even finding out the slightest thing about it... especially something which is so open and easy to find out about. I'd be embarrassed to put that little research into something I wrote for a well-read blog, never mind the New York Times.


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