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steer March 14 2013, 13:39:47 UTC
Phew: found the report on false accusations of rape ( ... )


steer March 14 2013, 13:39:58 UTC

Incidentially, in one of the more WTF cases discussed in the original report a woman charged her husband with rape but said she didn't want to continue with the case as she'd made up with her husband. When she was told the police would continue with the prosecution she said she lied and had not been raped. When told she'd be prosecuted for perverting the course of justice (husband had been in prison all this time awaiting trial) she said she hadn't lied and the prosecution continued on her husband. Separately she was charged for perverting the course of justice in claiming she had not been raped and was found guilty of this (presumably her husband was found guilty of rape or her conviction for saying he had not raped her wouldn't stand). I conclude nothing in particular from this other than that life is complicated and sometimes unpleasant but certainly interesting.

The report is rather sad reading in fact.


andrewducker March 14 2013, 13:49:06 UTC
Thank you. That was much clearer than I think you could have made it on Twitter :->


drdoug March 14 2013, 17:33:56 UTC
presumably her husband was found guilty of rape or her conviction for saying he had not raped her wouldn't standIf this is the Ms A case from the report, it wasn't quite like that, going on the details in the court report on her appeal here http://www.judiciary.gov.uk/Resources/JCO/Documents/Judgments/a-v-r-judgment.pdf. (Warning: It's very distressing, and certainly made me sympathise almost entirely with her and utterly loathe her husband ( ... )


steer March 14 2013, 17:59:43 UTC
It's the same case (same initials and date). I don't think that the report you link contradicts my summary but adds the details that she was charged with perverting the course of justice for both claims which is an interesting detail (and gets round my speculation of my saying her husband must have been found guilty).

It also adds the detail that she made up with him and breached his bail condition that he was to have no further contact with him. (They also managed to be in a road traffic accident together during the period he was supposed to not be in contact.)

The CPS summary is found on P7 of the report I linked.

Though obviously we have far to travel yet.

Indeed, though some of the sections of the report I link have moments of hope. E.g. the police informing a witness that a particular behaviour (not related to her original complaint) consituted rape, a fact she was unaware of.

Oh... genuine "For fucks sake" moment... A vs R summary you linked to includes quotes with her husband's real name.


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