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Fox News calls Paul Ryan a liar. cartesiandaemon August 31 2012, 12:19:38 UTC
Huh. I wonder why?

1. Fox news isn't as myopically pro-Republican as I assumed?
2. They let a columnist criticise a VP candidate without anyone checking the editorial stance?
3. Paul Ryan's lies really were more dramatic than the rest of the recent Republican party leadership's?
4. Someone decided Ryan is a liability and decided to throw him under a bus early so the coverage could concentrate on Mitt?
5. Someone decided this whole election cycle was a bust, and will grab some "balanced" points by attacking Romney and Ryan now in order to endorse a "real" candidate in four years[1]?
6. Fox News had a falling out with the Republican party and are swinging left?
7. They have some other agenda I can't think of?

None of those sound at all likely...

[1] It's true the Republican primaries seemed really anaemic, which supports the "no-one wants to be the sacrificial candidate" theory, but I don't see why they would think that: Obama's popularity doesn't seem as high as all that.


Re: Fox News calls Paul Ryan a liar. philmophlegm August 31 2012, 12:46:38 UTC
I think it's a conspiracy to make some Democrats' heads explode:

1. Fox News is always wrong and evil, therefore when they say Paul Ryan is a liar, he must be telling the truth.

2. Paul Ryan is an evil Republican and therefore obviously a liar.

3. Does not compute...Does not compute...

4. BANG!


Re: Fox News calls Paul Ryan a liar. erindubitably August 31 2012, 12:49:54 UTC
It's an opinion piece by a liberal writer on the Fox News staff, so I assume it's a counterpoint attempt to show that they're being fair and balanced. Which, given it was a good article, might actually work this time round.


Re: Fox News calls Paul Ryan a liar. bart_calendar August 31 2012, 14:50:12 UTC
I think it's a combination of a lot of things;

1. Several months ago when Murdoch met Romney for the first time it did not go well. Murdoch has said several times that he's really not a fan of Team Romney, so the Fox News staff feels more freedom to make critiques.

2. Mainstream GOP people are really tired of the Randians in their midst and have quietly made it known that if Fox feels the need to throw someone under a bus to make themselves look balanced that Ryan is fair game.

3. Conservatives have no desire at all to win this election, because they don't want to be in charge when the Euro goes bust and get blamed for the economic mayhem that follows. This is all just a warmup for Christie to run in 2016.

4. Ryan's lies contradict the lies the other GOP people have been saying and they had to either choose to support Ryan and dump a dozen more influential GOP people under a bus or choose to shit on Ryan and they choose to shit on him.


Re: Fox News calls Paul Ryan a liar. cartesiandaemon August 31 2012, 16:49:14 UTC
That sounds disturbingly plausible.

Conservatives have no desire at all to win this election

I'm always doubtful that people actually want to lose even if it's strategically advisable, but "not trying as hard" can be much the same thing.

Ryan's lies contradict the lies the other GOP people have been saying

What's the difference? I thought it was all standard stuff, but I didn't listen to much of the content.


Re: Fox News calls Paul Ryan a liar. bart_calendar August 31 2012, 14:54:20 UTC
Also, while Obama's popularity in the general population isn't that high, the electoral map greatly favors him. Even if you give Romeny every state McCain won and ever state he has a lead in at the moment, he still only has 218 of the 270 electoral votes needed, which means he needs to win not only Florida and Ohio but has to pick up one additional state that he's currently behind in, which is not very likely.

Realistically, he has to get 65 percent of all heterosexual white male voters in America, and win Florida. At the moment he's polling 52 percent of straight white male voters and his VP is pitching an economic plan that would screw over most Florida voters.


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