The sooner they fix the parcel delivery business, the happier I will be.

Aug 29, 2012 22:12

I was given an Amazon voucher by Julie's parents for my birthday, to spend on something frivolous. I wavered back and forth between The Avengers 6-disk movie set and The Complete Star Wars for a few days before deciding that what I really wanted was The Absolute V For Vendetta.

Which was only available on Amazon for £60-£65, but Forbidden Planet had it for £50. Which made _that_ a nicely simple decision. So I spent the gift voucher on stuff for my father's 70th birthday in September, and used cash for my own gift. Which was due to be delivered today!

DPD do this awesome thing whereby they tell you, on the morning of your delivery, which hour-slot it will arrive in. Which is very handy if you (or your awesome wife) want to be able to pop out during the day without missing the delivery.

The _less_ awesome thing they do is send you an email ten minutes after the start of your slot telling you they tried to deliver but you were out. When Julie had, in fact, spent the time sitting waiting for the buzzer to go. So now the redelivery is set for tomorrow, when hopefully they will be more competent.

They also, handily, had a link on the failure email to allow me to tweet about how awesome they are. Which I swiftly repurposed into a public complaint. We'll see if that produces anything useful!

Meantime, this explains my feelings on delivery companies in general:

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