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momentsmusicaux July 31 2012, 11:51:18 UTC
The Tesco thing horrifies and infuriates me. Who the hell do they employ to do their website this badly?


andrewducker July 31 2012, 12:10:07 UTC
People who don't understand the web, but are cheap.


octopoid_horror July 31 2012, 19:55:22 UTC
If a company publicly guarantees that their site is safe, as Tesco do, but then suffer some kind of security lapse and announce (as many companies seem to recently) that OMG they were hacked *gasp*, does that mean that I could take them to court as a tesco online customer even if my own details hadn't been compromised?

Does claiming to have a secure webstore count as any kind of actual provision of service?


andrewducker July 31 2012, 19:58:25 UTC
Damn good question.

I wonder if Sony was sued after it leaked loads of passwords and credit card details.


octopoid_horror July 31 2012, 20:03:05 UTC
I wasn't very amused at the lack of security options for online payments in the UK.

If I want to use one of those "disposable" electronic credit card numbers, it's difficult in the UK. And there wererelatively few options for pre-paid type bank cards in this country, and even they have charges associated to discourage their use compared to your normal debit/credit card.

Rather than the current expectation that eventually your details will be compromised in some fashion, it would surely be sensible for a bank to say "Hey, here's a way to be safer online"

Except they can't do that, because then they can't sell the premium "we totally monitor the internet to make sure no one is selling your bank details, I promise we do and will react before anyone does anything, I swear" accounts.


andrewducker July 31 2012, 20:14:22 UTC
Well, for credit cards there's a definite limit on how much you can lose from fraud. And the couple of times fraudulent stuff has turned up on my debit card I've had it refunded without an issue. So it's somewhat safe, insofar as you won't lose money in the long run.

I wonder what an actually safe method would look like.


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