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Re: I go off on one about Belle. Feel free not to read. marrog July 12 2012, 15:15:00 UTC
Ugh, I haven't seen Mulan, but I think Rapunzel would drive Belle round the bend.

It's not that I don't agree with your argument (that would be rotten), I just don't think it fits the text. What's stopping her from going off and having adventures after the movie's end? I'd like to think that having been cooped up in a Castle with only his own dark thoughts for seven years Adam (is his name I think?) would be delighted to get out of the house and join Belle on her adventures. Where you see them settling down to read by the fire, I see them off on a round the world sailing trip, complete with Cogsworth and Lumiere and maybe even Mrs Potts on the crew.

Also, not to piss on your chips, but the book she reads at the beginning of the story has a prince in a castle with a curse... so she actually got the exact 'adventure' she was reading about. I know that later she sings about the 'great wide somewhere', but maybe you're misrepresenting what Belle herself really wanted? (Which is not to say I don't think she would want to travel too, but for that argument see the previous paragraph.)


innerbrat July 12 2012, 15:27:47 UTC
Hey, you're not pissing on my chips. :) I loved Belle until I pissed on my own chips like this.

You're entirely right, of course. We don't know what happens post-movie, as for some reason Belle is one of the very few princesses whose sequel is set during the timeline of her original movie (which - what?). But the way you fill in post-canon depends on your reading of the movie - you're obviously filling in a preference based on liking Belle/Adam (and that's OK - not that this needed saying.)

And that I'm probably projecting - in fact, I know I'm projecting the experience of seeing a lot of my friends 'settle' for marriage over the ambitions that they used to have. I've had it pointed out before that the book she reads at the beginning is not all that different from her actual story, and I buy that as a valid argument, but it doesn't change the visceral "no, Belle, have adventures, don't marry that guy!" reaction the movie always gives me.

Oh well. It's a good movie objectively, I just don't like watching it anymore.


alitheapipkin July 12 2012, 16:40:33 UTC
You should watch Mulan, they are right about it being the most feminist one of the lot :)


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