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naath April 18 2012, 12:03:35 UTC
501 developers>
Also to keep in mind: by contributing to an office-culture of working long hours and having-no-life you are contributing to the disadvantage suffered by those who no option but to have an outside-the-office life (because management tend to feel that "works longer hours" means "is better at job" and that means that people unwilling/unable to work long hours are much less likely to get raises, promotions, or even jobs). Plus by doing the work of three people you are keeping two people out of a job (supposing people would be hired rather than the work going undone).


channelpenguin April 18 2012, 12:38:11 UTC
see, I *envy* those to whom it is their life (no matter what the job is!)


naath April 18 2012, 12:50:22 UTC
I envy people who are so very wealthy that they needn't concern themselves with looking after their house, raising their children, managing their garden, preparing food...

I envy people who have jobs that they love and are happy spending time on...

I don't envy people who spend their whole lives at work though. I have too many hobbies to want to do that - I want to spend time running, and knitting, and playing at being in the 16th century.


channelpenguin April 18 2012, 13:40:34 UTC
What I meant, you put FAR better: I envy people who have jobs that they love and are happy spending time on...I do NOT envy the "so very wealthy". With nothing you *have* to you better hope to have something you *really want* (see aforemetioned people with jobs they love) to do.... or what's the point to life ( ... )


naath April 18 2012, 13:50:42 UTC
I don't want any *one* thing (paid or unpaid) to take over my entire life; I want my life to contain a variety of things.


channelpenguin April 18 2012, 14:14:22 UTC
:-) I wouldn't mind, so long as it was something sustainable. It takes an awful lot of time and practice to get *really good* at something and there is only so much time in life.

(I'm the kind of weirdo can't truly enjoy something unless I know I am good and getting better/trying my damnedest to get better. Well, maybe dancing... cos I know I'll never be much cop at that :-) )


naath April 18 2012, 14:23:27 UTC
I have the attention span of a gnat. So I don't get better at a thing by spending 12 hours/day doing it; I just get bored.


channelpenguin April 18 2012, 16:26:42 UTC
LOL. Mine's not what it used to be - trying to fix that!


Interesting! meaningrequired April 18 2012, 14:33:49 UTC
One of my favourite fantasy head games is if I didn't have to worry about money/income/eating, what would I do all day ( ... )


Re: Interesting! channelpenguin April 18 2012, 16:36:19 UTC
Work and enjoyment should not be 2 seperate things. Or it is just miserable. I know ( ... )


Re: Interesting! marrog April 18 2012, 22:58:57 UTC
Work and enjoyment should not be 2 seperate things. Or it is just miserable.

God if I believed that I think I'd just kill myself. Any ability to be pragmatic about my employment prospects depends entirely on my acceptance that, for most people, work and enjoyment are two separate things, and that's okay, it's just how it is.


Re: Interesting! andrewducker April 19 2012, 08:59:49 UTC
Yeah. There was a comment I bumped into yesterday that saying "Work on what you love" was like saying "Let them eat cake" - fine for the few percent of people whose passions paid well, and a slap in the face for everyone else.


Re: Interesting! channelpenguin April 19 2012, 16:17:56 UTC
maybe so - and if so, this is one reason why I feel that everything is broken. Shouldn't be like that, shouldn't feel like that.

I didn't mean 'fun' - I meant 'enjoyment' in the sense that's closer to 'satisfaction'.

And it was all my own personal opinion/experience. *I* personally don't cope well with work when I don't have that.

Urgh, I am in a bloody strange mood at the moment, probaby best not to mind me too much.


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