When I was 11 I had choir classes (as was standard in my school at the time). The music teacher lines us up in rows and we sang something (I don't remember what it was, and I doubt I knew it at the time). And when he had finished he picked out a couple of people as being particularly good, pointed at me and told me that from now on I should mime.
And from that point onwards I have been terrified of singing in public.
I do not mention this because I think it's an example of how appalling behaviour by teachers can scar people for life (although it is), but because I've decided to do something about it.
werejud and
cairmen have been going on about how awesome Singstar is for ages, and have repeatedly invited me along to Singstar parties. And frankly, it looks like fun. I frequently sing away to myself around the flat, or make up silly songs with
meaningrequired, and I enjoy Guitar Hero rather a lot, so it seems like the kind of thing I would enjoy*.
So last week I bit the bullet, ordering a pair of microphones and a copy of Singstar for the PS3. With the idea that I could practice at home until I didn't feel like I'd make a complete idiot of myself in public, and then be happy joining in elsewhere. And the microphone pack came with a 20 song voucher, so there has been much perusing of
the list of available songs.
You wouldn't believe how hard I found it to start playing the game, even alone in the living room with the door firmly shut and Julie under strict instructions not to come through. But after half an hour of scoring somewhere between "Ow, my ears!" and "You hit nearly half the notes!"** I started to have a teeny glimpse of fun. It seems that I can manage a quarter-way competent take on The Automatic, but Robbie Williams is entirely beyond me.
And I intend to persevere. It's still only slightly fun, because I also find it stressful. But I actually managed to sing a song with Julie in the room on Sunday. Give me a few more weeks and I might be up to heading out on the road. Some of the Fringe venues only hold three audience members. I could probably manage that.
*Although I vaguely recall that
marrog has said disparaging things in the past about it being too restrictive. Which I can appreciate, but I'm not too worried about.
**Not the actual scoring names, which are much less harsh than that.
Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.