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cartesiandaemon February 27 2012, 14:47:50 UTC
Yeah. I thought the comment about the first ammendment was telling: the constitution doesn't prevent anyone from infringing your speech, but the case where someone is a monopoly or a de facto monopoly is one where perhaps it should...


cartesiandaemon February 27 2012, 14:54:28 UTC
(With the obvious caveats that PayPal don't prevent you telling people in person, or of giving your ebook away for free, but it's still a significant problem that anyone has an nonaccountable stranglehold over anything published. If they have that power they cna shut down all sorts of stuff without a whiff of bad publicity, just by people thinking "I'd better not take the risk", if not at their own recognisance, at the suggestion of ill-thought-out and vandalistic government intervention.)


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cartesiandaemon February 27 2012, 15:36:33 UTC
Oh yes, exactly. I assume PayPal don't really care themselves (though they might), they're just playing it safe (either because they have to, or because it's a lot easier than trying to police what's ok where) which is very understandable, but doesn't necessarily lead to the most desireable effect on society.


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