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rosamicula February 27 2012, 11:51:28 UTC
I think the problem with benefit fraud is that no one actually knows how much there is, as these figures only reveal the ones that are caught, surely ( ... )


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luckylove February 27 2012, 16:00:04 UTC
So your definition of *work* is a bill that will result in disabled people like myself losing a third of our income? I've been through the bill and the new PIP descriptors and discovered that I'm going to lose the mobility component and a premium. Please forgive me for being so horrified at people who make statements like your last sentence. In my current state of mind I have you pegged as someone who buys into the Government's rhetoric and the Daily Mail's hate-mongering and just wants all poor and disabled people to fuck off and die. I could be wrong, I frequently am, but that's how I see you and anyone else who thinks people like me should lose 33% of our income at the moment.


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luckylove February 27 2012, 16:56:41 UTC
It's really easy actually. Just combine self-loathing with mental illness and several years worth of people telling me I'm worthless and a burden to society and it would be better if I were dead, add in some suicidal ideation and running out of medication and I can believe just about anything bad especially if it's going to impact negatively on me. Piece of cake really.


kiffkin February 27 2012, 14:33:11 UTC
I'd like to add that DLA isn't an out-of-work benefit nor is it means-tested. In many cases it doesn't cover the outlay that disabled people have to pay to get on with their normal lives - the disparity between the care allowance and the cost of paying a professional carer being the most obvious example ( ... )


undeadbydawn February 27 2012, 19:56:05 UTC

there was rather a lot of care work I refused, on the basis that it plain wasn't worth the c£10ph I made. Nowhere near. And I took a *lot* of bad clients.

the company I worked for eventually wrote up a Carers Charter, based purely on the level of abuse I received from their clients. My boss commented that it was effectively his way of apologising for the amount of shit he'd unwittingly put me through.

Losing that job was, psychologically, the best thing that ever happened to me.


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