I went over to my brother Hugh's in the morning, got him shifted over to Thunderbird as an email client, which seems to behave much better with IMAP than Outlook 2010 does. I also got his old router* set up as a wireless access point, so he now has WiFi in the kitchen. This turned out to be more difficult than I had originally imagined, until I stopped trying to use the WAN port on the router and just plugged it into the rest of the network via one of the standard ports. Silly me.
The evening was spent with a different Hugh, and has already been catalogued by yesterday's post.
I wasn't expecting it to be followed up by going dancing until 2:30am, but it was. We went to Ascension, which was frankly rubbish until about 1am when they suddenly started playing music I recognised, and our planned 2am departure was delayed by dancing to Blue Monday, Fade To Grey, Once In a Lifetime and a few others.
This has meant that today has been quiet, as my brain and body slowly stitch themselves back together. I've managed to do some washing, a bit of tidying, make various cups of tea for Julie (in a worse state than me) and get a feature in to FeedThisToThat that both
johncoxon and
miss_s_b had asked for - you can now define the default tags for each post (or remove them entirely).
Now, I seem to have 48 emails in my inbox to work my way through...
*When Virgin upgraded him to 30Mbit they gave him a modem/router with WiFi built in, which covers the study/living room of his flat. It's rather nice, actually, and I'm looking forward to getting one myself.
Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.