We're getting married, and you're not invited

Jan 09, 2012 19:27

Well, that's not strictly true, clearly meaningrequired is invited, as she's marrying me. And both of my brothers read this, and they're invited.

But the rest of you aren't.

Although some of you _are_ still invited to the awesome party we're having in July to celebrate the marriage that will now be starting in March.*

Julie's grandfather is very ill. He's been very ill for a long time, and seemed to have stabilised**, but then started going downhill again just before Christmas. It's now iffy if he'll still be alive in July, and short of aliens arriving with big vats of HumanBeWell™ he's definitely not going to be up to a getting onto a plane to Edinburgh for our July wedding date.

And so we will be getting married in Bangor, NI with just the closest bits of family. And then having the wedding celebration in July, which will in some ways feel more weddingy, as it will involve the Actual Wedding Dress, and all of the traditional wedding things***.

So, if we happen to be frazzled for, well, the next six months, please excuse us, we may have a lot on our minds.

*Due to size constraints we will not be inviting as many people as we'd like to that either. But I'm having a 40th birthday party two months later, and _that_ will be huge.
**Thanks to a trial he was put on that seems to have cleared out all of his prostate cancer. But sadly not the bits that metastasised to various other places throughout his body, including his bones.
***Actually, no. Probably some traditional things, but neither of us is a massive stickler for tradition. The best bit about being married legally in March**** is that it means we can have any ceremony we bloody well feel back in July.
****Except for Julie's grandfather being there, obviously.

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