A surprisingly large number

Nov 11, 2011 18:25

I just counted how many games I have on the Steam game delivery system and was rather surprised by the number.

But then I have picked up a lot of games cheap (i.e. for £1.50 or so) when they were on sale (things like Peggle, or Osmos). Plus stuff in the Humble Bundle. And picking up the Half Life complete set adds a few items.

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Comments 22

octopoid_horror November 11 2011, 18:28:20 UTC
I do not want to answer questions about how many of those gamse are cheap indie ones or part of bundles, and how many were... not.


andrewducker November 11 2011, 18:29:46 UTC
If anyone is wondering how I square my happiness with Steam with my hatred of DRM on music/books then it comes down to reusability.

I don't play many computer games more than once. So if Steam folded tomorrow then there would be a couple of games that I'd think "bugger, I picked that up for £5 and never got around to playing it.", but it wouldn't be the end of the world. I re-read books on a semi-regular basis, and if they all vanished I'd be very upset indeed.


kiffkin November 11 2011, 18:35:17 UTC
Counter on Steam says 161, although that does include things like the Sam & Max episodes or all the bits of Half-Life as separate games. I think the only thing I've bought full price was Torchlight (coincidentally the first game I bought on Steam). Everything else was sales or packs or packs in sales or free.

I am expecting this number to increase substantially during the upcoming sales.


andrewducker November 11 2011, 18:48:01 UTC
Counter? I did it by hand! Where is the counter?


kiffkin November 11 2011, 18:57:15 UTC
Click on All Games in your library in the Steam browser (near the top under the Library link). You can also filter your library there too.


andrewducker November 11 2011, 18:58:44 UTC
Awesome. Turns out I was only out by one! Thank you!


ice_hesitant November 11 2011, 18:49:26 UTC
4 on Steam, but most of my game purchases so far have been on GamersGate and GOG instead.

On Gamersgate, I own 27 not counting DLC for Cities in Motion.

On GOG, I own 19.

I was unimpressed with how Steam requires me to be online in order to play the original Kohan (2001), but then that game is unavailable anywhere else.


hano November 11 2011, 19:01:46 UTC
24 on Steam. But I spend most of my gaming time playing non Steam stuff especially Eve and various Combat Mission iterations.
BTW, you've reset your Steam password haven't you?


andrewducker November 11 2011, 19:11:43 UTC
With SteamGuard set, and the passwords salted and hashed, I'm really not worried, as they can't actually do anything.


octopoid_horror November 11 2011, 20:51:06 UTC
I'm more worried about the credit card details than the well-protected steam passwords, tbh.


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