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Do women enjoy shopping more than men? (the offered explanation is, of course, pants.) meaningrequired November 8 2011, 11:32:56 UTC
I love shopping in Borderlands, much more than you do. I think I'm more sensitive to the intermittent reward of finding something awesome 1/50 times I check. It's probably also learned, from a lifetime of games.

I hate real life shopping, although it is a lot easier now most places have websites which allow me to pick what I want to try on, or examine when I visit in RL. Amazon takes care of everything else.


Re: Do women enjoy shopping more than men? (the offered explanation is, of course, pants.) andrewducker November 8 2011, 12:43:10 UTC
The Borerlands shops rarely had anything in them that I wanted at lower levels. At higher levels I got more interested because they had different mods in different places.

I do like shopping, but only for things I care about. Clothes shopping sites don't do much for me :->


Re: Do women enjoy shopping more than men? (the offered explanation is, of course, pants.) meaningrequired November 8 2011, 13:17:17 UTC
Maybe that's because you can find clothes that fit easily.


Re: Do women enjoy shopping more than men? (the offered explanation is, of course, pants.) andrewducker November 8 2011, 13:32:42 UTC
Possibly. If people are enjoying shopping because it provides intermittent positive reward, then it will be more addictive if only a small proportion of the items looked at fit the requirements.

Which would explain why I like t-shirt shopping :->


Re: Do women enjoy shopping more than men? (the offered explanation is, of course, pants.) octopoid_horror November 8 2011, 21:40:05 UTC
Or he doesn't care about fit.


Re: Do women enjoy shopping more than men? (the offered explanation is, of course, pants.) andrewducker November 8 2011, 21:44:33 UTC
I do. I hate clothes that are too tight.


Re: Do women enjoy shopping more than men? (the offered explanation is, of course, pants.) octopoid_horror November 8 2011, 22:10:40 UTC
You can't be a hipster, then


Re: Do women enjoy shopping more than men? (the offered explanation is, of course, pants.) andrewducker November 8 2011, 22:14:25 UTC


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