May 19, 2009 20:15
Me, today, on Twitter:
- 08:10 Archie fans (all of you) look at this, he's getting married: #
- 08:39 Something about Coke Zero that makes me sleepyhappy #
- 08:42 @ charlesatan that would make me a Powerpuff girl, right? Or a Rowdyruff boy... #
- 08:44 @ charlesatan eek! I'll die before I'm 24! Nooooooooooo #
- 08:47 @ charlesatan backwards reincarnation or doppleganger haunting, not sure which scares me more... #
- 08:52 @ komikero i should switch to tofu and green tea, the poison of spiritual giants #
- 08:54 instead it's Coke Zero and potato chips. My days are thus numbered #
- 08:55 @ komikero I second that preference! #
- 08:56 @ charlesatan not all of us can draw nutrition from thin air, orchid-style #
- 08:58 --there's something very wrong with my overall look. I look like a Dave Mckean sphinx. #
- 09:00 @ charlesatan Like Superman and Conner Kent and Kara Zor-El and Seymour from the Little Shop! #
- 09:01 RT @komikero: There is no escape. But we have to eat SOMEthing. Might as well be something I like. :) -- retweeted for truth. #
- 09:24 @ charlesatan sadly, that won't change a thing. :p #
- 09:28 Off to a meeting with E-games! Have a good day, world! #
- 14:49 RT @komikero: The Great Philippine Book Blockade of 2009 Video: #
- 15:07 Back from meeting. Interesting things goin on with ZX. I think they may pump up the game's macho factor with marketing steroids. Too effete? #
- 15:09 Saddened to find that the panel borders didn't ink themselves while I was gone. Will try asking nicely next time. #
- 15:25 Set up an Atom feed to put up my tweets on LJ. Hope this works, Valence. #
- 20:05 It's boo's birthday today! Yay! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! #
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