
May 15, 2005 10:31

Current mood :: tired
Current music :: total eclipse ... great ballad
Current taste :: ribena light
Current hair :: mess, shortish, brown
Current clothes :: right now... david blane look a like contest winner
Current annoyance :: right now? left ankle is throbbing. im not a terrorist hostage so in conparrison i have no problems. sounds better that way.
Current smell :: blankness
Current thing I ought to be doing :: revising
Current desktop picture:: a log on redcar beach in focus with my dad walking in the background out of focus.
Current favorite band :: errr.. i suppose my most downloaded is a couple of savage garden songs at the moment.
Current book :: I think ill read angels and demons when from 22nd June onwards.
Current cd in stereo :: i dont do cd's
Current crush :: that would be telling
Current favorite celeb :: Robin Williams
Current hate :: not enough time for effective revision and bumming around with friends

Smoke? :: no
Have a dream that keeps coming back? :: yes
Read the newspaper? :: yes, twas the express but now its the mirror. eurgh.
Have any gay or lesbian friends? :: yes, less specific than that though
Believe in miracles? :: no
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? :: yes.
Consider yourself tolerant of others? :: yes
Consider love a mistake? :: no.
Like the taste of alcohol? :: in moderation
Have a favorite candy? :: im not too fussed at the moment but... mint chocolate
Believe in astrology? :: how can something that beautiful not be real?
Believe in magic? :: derren brown CAN read your mind.
Have any pets? :: one fish, its called either tish or tosh, i want chickens again.
Go to or plan to go to college? :: currently go to bede college, plan to go to university of teesside
Have any piercings? :: no
Have an obsession? :: not an unhealthy one
Have a secret crush?:: so so
Do they know yet? :: so so
Care about looks? :: not really, as long as im happy

Ever been in love? :: yes
Do you believe in love at first sight? :: "ever judged a book by its cover?"
Do you believe in "the one?" :: there are many neos. silly.

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? :: yes. lets not no there
Have you ever been intoxicated? :: it would be fair to say yes
Height :: 5'8ish i think. "short people got, no reasons."

Bought :: Clip on flexible moustash
Ate :: m&m's
Drank :: ribena
Read :: Of great significance? Monster raving Looney manifesto.
Watched on tv :: that i wanted to watch? hustle. its good.

club or houseparty :: hourseparty, as long as it doesnt die down to soon
cats or dogs :: dogs. random spasm dogs = cool.
single or taken :: both under different circumstances
pen or pencil :: pen. i like drawing in pen also.
gloves or mittens :: man gloves
food or candy :: a good slice of food
cassette or cd :: cassette, you can make it squeak and talk fast.
coke or pepsi :: coke
this or that :: this

kill :: bill
look like :: me. but with substancial facial hair
be like :: im happy being me. but a swap of lifestyle would be fun with some ppl.
avoid :: people with mumps, unless i actually like them

talked to :: mam
hugged :: probably paul, but in jest, (he has aids)
instant messaged :: JB = "you are a piss knicker"

eat :: every where
cry :: havent in a while
wish you were :: right now? with friends.

Dated one of your best friends? :: no
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? :: to the extent but not actually crying. twould be fair to say.
Broken the law? :: not to my knowledge.....oh....yeah
Run away from home? :: no
Broken a bone? :: staff head shattered my wrist. brute.
Played Truth Or Dare? :: yes.
Kissed someone you didn't know? :: no
Been in a fight? :: no
Come close to dying? :: i came through chicken pox unscathed.

The most embarrassing CD in your collection? :: i dont do CD's.
Your bedroom like? :: unorganised / orange
Your favorite thing for breakfast? :: if i do breakfast its dippy egg!
Your favorite restaurant? :: i liked the cansas exchange
On your bedside table? :: errr. panpipe, puzzle book, joke book, 2 weeks old paper, gadget bumf.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night :: usually a swig of milk.
Your secret guaranteed weeping movie? :: patch adams? oh. mrs doubtfire towards the end. COME ON! YOU CANT TAKE HIS KIDS AWAY!
Your biggest fear? :: loosing friends for ever ever... ever... ever...
The feature you are most insecure about? :: im not bothered but, lets just says it been commented on how i always look cold. nips.

Do you ever have to beg? :: no.
Are you a pyromaniac? :: yes. can i lend your arm?
Do you know anyone famous? :: I met the chuckle brothers. i have photographic proof.
Describe your bed :: plain. white / orange / tiger pattern
Spontaneous or plain? :: spontaneously plain
Do you know how to play poker? :: yes.
What do you carry with you at all times? :: phone
How do you drive? :: with great difficulty. i havent started yet.
What do you miss most about being little? :: free milk, was allowed in soft play areas
Are you happy with your given name? :: yes
How much money would it take to get you to absolutely give up the Internet for one year? :: £25,000. but i could live without it.
What color is your bedroom? :: orange.
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? :: i know i shouldnt but i do
Do you think you're cute? :: men are ugly
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? :: i love bums
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? :: im ok. when you get used to me.
Have you ever been caught "doing something?" :: nope
Shy to make the first move? :: not really.
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