Dear Carl,
Its fun to be me right now. This weekend was one of the best in a while saturday night especially. Allison Bane (one of the only funny girls) is awesome and her crew is just as awesome. Saturday was spent at split for a lil', but i just wasnt feelin most of the peeps so i went to meg bash's, and sauer being a phenominal human being came with me. Then Wendys. JESS VIVONA IS SCANDALOUS. I have a newfound respect for seniors, more specifically PJ Potts Chris Demato (spellcheck) Mike Pierro Matthew Yavorski. The carnival was awesome despite the fact that i almost got a cap popped in my chest by a blood. Its all cool brotha. I need to do some actual work now. Chris Sauer has an lj that is much better than ours so check that out too. Pax <3 :)