Nefarious Land
This is a new multi-fandom AU RP community. We currently welcome characters from Buffy, Angel, Charmed, and Harry Potter (and others, upon approval). To apply to play in this game, please fill out the application found
here in a comment. Other Characters/Universes are available upon request. If you have any questions, contact the mods
badgirl_faith or
the_xandmister for more details. See
nefarious_land for a complete list of rules and a background story.
We are still looking for: Giles, Andrew, Kennedy, Riley, Fred Burkle, Gunn, Wesley, Lorne, and Lindsey (to ship with Faith) out of the Whedonverse. Slayer and witch students are welcome, too.
In HP, we are looking for: Ron, Neville, Cho, and Draco. Other Hogwarts students will be accepted upon approval, too.
In Charmed, we are looking for: Leo & Daryl. Other characters will be accepted, upon approval.
We look forward to hearing from you!