yeah, i just put another entry up there. after three weeks with nothing, i do two in a week... and i think another one may be coming in the next few days. that's good, at least.
this one's certainly not anything that i could ever get paid to publish anywhere, but i felt the need to get it out. it's about a bunch of different emo records, inbetween a bunch of scenes from the recent romantic difficulties i've gone through. it goes into far less detail than i did here, so if you could handle my last couple of posts to this journal you should be fine with it. but i do think it tells it from a slightly different side of things. and really, 70% of the entry is about records, so there's that...
go read it. i guess i'm doing ok. i've been pretty upset this morning, but after writing that whole thing i feel better. things keep changing where kat and i are concerned, but i think they've finally changed for the last time, and for better or for worse i can go ahead and get used to things being the way they are for the time being. i don't like them this way, but the truth is that i never wanted us to break up at all. neither of us did. i guess in the end it just became necessary. and i'm really sad about it.
i still hold onto some hope, but... only time will tell, really. so i guess i should just go ahead and give it time.