(no subject)

Jan 08, 2009 18:11

it's been 4 days since i came back to chicago. i thought it would be a little hard getting back into the ole routine again but it wasn't really. we got a whole bunch of new people in our ship so it's kinda fun fuckin around with them. what was really hard was coming back to this god awful weather. the cold bites really hard and the wind is even worse. our ship is still really chill and now i'm none duty so i don't have to stand watches anymore. which is great. cause standing watch for 8 hours sucks.

being back home really put some things into perspective for me. yeah i do miss hanging out with my sister and a handful of friends. i met someone really special while i was home. we had a great time together hanging out, up until i left. that was hard to do. but i had to get back.. we still keep in close contact with each other. hopefully it won't end. california is so close i can almost feel the wave of freedom and happiness coming towards me. i promised her i'll drive up the coast on the weekends and see her, as long as i don't have duty. which will be pretty easy since we have like 6 different duty sections on my ship in san diego.

for now though.. muster, muster, muster. work, work, work. until i head west soon enough. it'll be great.
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