Oct 02, 2004 18:48

I guess you could say that i've distanced myself from everyon lately. I havent really talked to anyone in the last 2 months...just kept myself busy with resarching with Dawn on this mind controlly bracelet thing that Dr. Alex gave Oz.

Not that I know anything about it. I've jsut heard they have me reseaching on it. I'm glad though, but just distanced i guess....after Amy, and Mel and everything else, jsut figured everything would be better if i didn't talk to anyone. Kept my distance and let them live their own lives...

But hangin out with Dawnie gal is fun! And I SO did not cheat in D&D...please i've been p alying Dungeon's and Dragons since i was a wee l ittle infant!! She's just whiney thats all. I havent really talked to Xander in a while...or Riley...for that matter. Heard that Willow's a vamp now with a soul. Wicked awsome!! ((And let me tetll you...they hot slayer/witchvamp sex..even louder!! Gotta get my c amera back and w orkin so i can catch them in action!!))

Mel hasn't talked to me in a while...not that i am very social mind you...sometimes i think my life would be better if I was a eunic....i mean, no girls like me, no guys like me. Yea i think eunic is the way to...

OUCH!!! What was that?? I got a pain in my chest, like a sharp little nudge....oh no....MY HOTPOCKETS!!!!


I rush to the up t he fridge...


They're empty!! All of them....gone!!!

life has no meaning....
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