I'm thinking that I want to go back to school to do some graduate studies before I totally pack everything up and leave, my GPA is good enough for it.
I'm going to apply to get into some Graduate Bio-Engineering Courses.... I hope I have enough of the Physics and Chemistry, err.. yeah that Biology thing which I didn't do... hahaha, I'm going to apply anyway...to get in... back to the UW... doh...
I'm hella optimistic and happy lately... New Banner on the Xanga, and yes, I borrowed your Rose image Catrina... lalalalala... DunDunDun!
I've joined Team Honky Tonk Badonkadonk, but I haven't raised any money... Last year, I raised like 300 bucks... hahahaha... sooooo... if you want to get in on the Donation action, here is a link!
http://www.acsevents.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=133301&supId=71736668 For Cancer, it's a good cause, how can you not Donate? unless you suck!
Andrew: uh huh...
Andrew: I can't be your cruise date.... no time for me... what a terrible relationship
Andrew: lol
Shirley: haha sorry!
Andrew: you should dump him for me!
Did you hear about the nurse who swallowed a razor blade? She gave herself a tonsilectomy, an appendectomy, a hysterectomy, and circumcised three of the doctors on her shift.
Hahahahaha... where my nurses at?