According FACT and the BPI there is a
counterfeiter of music and films working in almost every street of every town. Apparently this is big business and they are making a lot of money. My question to this is if there is someone making money out of copying films and music on every street, and a street has on average (as a wild guess) 50 houses how much pirated material are the people in the other 49 houses (as that is the size of the market for each counterfeiter) buying? It must be huge! An average 'fake' CD costs between £2 and £6 so to make 'big money' you need to sell an awful lot!
I'm pretty sure my Grandma has never brought a fake dvd or CD, nor have my parents. Neither have I for that matter (I spent £80 on DVDs and CDs on Monday...). I guess there must be someone else buying a large amount of fake material to make up for my family so these evil pirates can continue to live the Life of Riley.