(no subject)

Aug 03, 2006 01:17

So in my new car that I got a month or so ago, there is a tape deck and not a cd player. This is fine by me, music is music on any My car has a tape deck and not a cd player which is fine since music by any medium is great. I also have one of those Ipod things so I can play my Ipod through the radio.

However, to the point. Subsequent to me getting my car, I pulled out all of my old cassettes. These are the ones I made in the late 90's and 2000 when I was traveling by bus to go to school. I played them all...some were good, others not so much. But I can upon one particular sample from one of my cassettes that I had forgotten all about.

You see during this time period I worked in a candle factory...well making candles. I worked graveyard by myself, it was fun. I always had music going, sometimes it was cd's but just as much it was the radio station the Fox in Vancouver. One of the graveyard DJ's once in a while put together some sort of speech; for lack of a better term. The DJ then asked people to call in, and hen people called in he got them to say a line from this 'speech' and the DJ recorded it, put it all together and then played it. He did this several times, and what was created was usually entertaining.

Again to the point, that one sample from one of the cassettes was one of the 'speeches'. I did a line in this one, which is probably why I recorded it. Anyway, I liked it so here it is word for word from the cassette.

Hi my name is Bobby, Lonnie, Jerry, Suzie, Darryl
and I am Canadian
I'm a minority in Vancouver, Surrey, Jasper, Burlington
and every casino in this great country
I was born in 1972, 81, 64
I pay import tax on cars made in Ontario
I'm allowed to sky-dive and smoke
but I am not allowed to drive without a seat belt
all the money I make until mid-July
goes to paying taxes
I live and I work among people
who believe Americans are ignorant
these same people can not name this countries new territory
95% of my nations international conflicts are over fish
I'm supposed to call black people African-Canadians
although I am sure almost none of them have been to Africa
or east of Halifax for that matter
I believe paying a 200% tax on alcohol is fair
I believe the same tax on gasoline is also fair
even if I have no idea what happened to that rifle my grandfather gave me when I was 14
I will be considered a criminal if I do not register it
I do know Geoff from Toronto
I often badmouth the United States
and then vacation there three times a year
when I look at my pay stub and realize I take home a third of what I actually make
I say oh well, at least we have better health care than the Americans
I must bail out farmers when their crops are too wet or too dry
because I control the rain
My national anthem has versions in both official languages
and I don't know either of them
Canada is the highest taxed nation in North America
The biggest military buffer for the United States
and the number one destination for fleeing boat people
I am not an angry white male
I am not an angry white female
I am an angry broke taxpayer
My name is Ryan, Kim, Andy, Vivian
and I am Canadian!
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