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Feb 24, 2005 14:15

Time to update I guess...

Let's see what's happened in the past few weeks. Nothing really. Valentine's day was really fun. I loved the gifts Emily got me and I am pretty sure she felt the same about the ones I got her. The day after, she had to have her wisdom teeth taken out. She was so sore and it was not the way she wanted to spend her break, but I kept her entertained...I brought over a tv with a vcr and I also brought over gamecube and she is now addicted to mario kart double dash and the original mario game for nintendo. We watched Saw one night, it was pretty good. Kinda reminded me of Seven only not that good. We also watched Vanilla Sky. She was a little confused at the end...But that movie can do that to you. This past Friday was also a year and a half for us. It could have been better because I was working, and I think that she was too. but it was still a nice day. Now Next week, I am on break from school for the week. I am going to use that time to sleep in and spend money. It should be fun.

Tonight is soccer night like usual. I think I am going to go and buy some new shoes in a little while. I have been playing like crap the last few weeks and I don't like the shoes i have now. I have to work all weekend too...9-5 friday-sunday. If you're not in school or feel like coming in, I'd like to see as many Berkley people as possible. I never see them at my store. Oh well, that's it for now I guess. I just took a break from studing accounting because I have a test in there tonight and thought I should write in this thing. I haven't in a while and figuered and update was needed.

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