HeY!!! dO YaLL rEmeMbeR mE???

Oct 17, 2002 23:41

well i guess it's been awhile since my last post.... whewww.... i'm gonna try and start writing on here more often! I PROMISE! ok here's a quick overview of whats goin on w/DREW(thats me..LOL) now.... okay! where should i start! well I moved to Morehead, KY Aug 14th or something like...my roomates name is Greg Weston... he's just your average everyday pothead! ummm i have made some friends... i miss HIGH SCHOOL and TIPTON a lot... I'm transfering the heck outta here after this semester and moving to Winfield, Alabama!! WOO HOO!!! it will be great! I can't wait... I am leaving tomorrow at 2pm to go to a competition in Chattanooga, TN! It's gonna be a BIGGGGG one...i'm so nervous... heh heh.... well, I REALLY need to go pack and everything.... gotta big day tomorrow... can't wait to see my mom and grandma! yay! hahaha.... here's a lil song just like i did in the good ol' days!
"i'm loosing my hair...and my vision is shady! last night i dreamt, of and overweigh lady.... but i need a younge thing...to keep u w/my pace... and hold me in my arms....take me str8 to 2nd base"

HeY iF aNyOnE aCtUaLLy sTiLLs rEaDs tHiS, pLz pOsT sOmEtHiNg AnD tEll Me!!!
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