Nov 10, 2004 21:48
well, after so many lectures on microorganisms, the failure rates of all existing birth control methods, seeing pictures of what results when those microbes infect the host due to improper use of oral contraceptives/barrier contraceptives, and dealing with the ethics of pregnancy issues, i am more determined than i was ever before that sexual intercourse not only is unecessary to live a full life, it's also sooo totally not worth my health, happiness, time, and money to get a little action in my corner of the world. ok, i'm done. jello shots sound good right about now. the new yorker college tour is currently visiting austin, and they had some cool goodies in the union. lemon verbena glycerin soap, t-shirts, microwave popcorn, penguin pins and posters, perfume samples, i'd probably give my life for a boxed-set of any x-files season, if they had them. but without a life, i couldn't watch the dvds. oh well, apparently it's a cultured magazine, the new yorker, the "most august magazine in the world" according to the dude who moderated the panel of entertainment critics i heard speak today. can you believe i skipped class to attend a panel discussion? what's even worse is that i have absolutely no qualms about my truancy. so i subscribed to the new yorker, paying their special student price of $20 for 9 months. i'm as cultured as a stale, week-old pizza slice with the cheese and toppings ripped off, bloated in a puddle of warm, wet rain so i thought it was worth it. well, school however it's supposed to be. i'm making a low B in pharmacology, and even though it probably won't happen, i want to study die-hard style for the last test and the final exam because an A looks better, like a chilled bowl of fresh summer fruit (the B looks like a pan of boiled potato chunks). just had a microbiology test this morning and anything about chlamydia, mycoplasma, Histoplasma capsulatum, penicillin, and all that schmack is already almost completely diffused from my brain. anything else? oh, i think we're going to whole foods this friday so i've been excited about getting another frozen fruit treat and seeing tony melt the frost with his wholesome smile.