Dec 15, 2004 15:55
uggghhh, so monday night i had to call the emergency service doctor to make a house call. had a huge headache all day, then that afternoon i got the chills. went to the doctor tuesday morning and they sent me home for the week (apparently i was infected with some ugly virus that my body's in the process of dispelling). so now i'm stuck at home for the rest of the week, which i don't mind at all. except today was such a nice day outside, i don't have any dvd's to watch (unless i want to rewatch the last two seasons of alias or my workout dvd's), and (even worse) i'm missing the agency christmas party (which started at 2:30pm and is sure to be awesome). the only thing that could make up for it would be if i were together with my magnet crush (more about him later). because not only has he not yet found a job in berlin (and is therefore free all day long) but he also lives right around the corner from me. so i couldn't hope for a better person to take care of me while i'm sick. only in my dreams. oh yeah, and since i'm sick and probably won't be better until friday, i won't see him at magnet on thursday (and even if i was better by then, i'm not sure i'd want to risk getting caught out while i'm supposed to be sick). and next week is christmas and then new year's, so i probably won't see him for a whole nother month! aarrrrggghhh...