Introduction post

Sep 24, 2020 17:49

Well I noticed that I didn't do a proper introduction post ne... and I recieve friend request recently so I decided I need to make this post in order to say some stuff about me and my journal (some informations are by the way on the sidebar for now...).
Anyway my name is Andreja, also called Anny, Anny-chan or An-chan :)) Well the last three ones are often used by those who are closer to me :). Umm I joined livejournal because of my interest in japanese idol group Arashi (as many already know about it) and I am daily user. I don't post every day but I wouldn't survive without it since I use it to get some Arashi stuff or just to read fanfics.

Livejournal made me enter my fandom wholeheartedly and I am really understanding the group better even though I'm nothing compared to others :). Still my journal has mostly: 
- personal entries which are friends locked recently because I share certain stuff only with those who I befriend. 
- entries about Arashi stuff (fanfics, fanart etc.)
- other stuff
- I am here also because of doing beta work from time to time... well I have only two people that I work/ed with and I hope I was helpful to them. If someone needs my help, please contact me ne~ *winks*.

Next, I want to say that I will clear my friendlist a bit... Those who I frequently talk with will stay or those who I really know better. But if you added me before and never talked to me, I'm sorry but I will delete you.

How to stay on the list? Please contact me, talk to me... I don't bite and I love to meet new friends :) You can contact me per personal message or just by writting a comment below. I want to know my friends because I share my personal stuff with you. I want to know who I share it with, I hope that this is understandable.

And as I said I noticed new friend adds. Well I don't mind if you add me but I will not add you back unless you contact me. Since I will not add you back you will not see my personal entries so it doesn't bother me but if you want to know more about me or be my real friend, then please write a comment, personal message, however you wish. If you do that, then add me and I will add you back.

I'm really sorry for the inconveniance but this is how I wish, I hope you guys understand and will not resent me.

Also I will clear my friendlist from time to time so if you want to stay on it, you need to stay in contact with me, at least write a comment or two from time to time, I will know for sure! xD

Lastly, don't forget to check my masterpost on the sidebar, all are open for all except my songs which are somehow personal and are friends locked. :)

Understanding each other, meeting and staying friends is what I wish so let's move towards that goal :3

Ja ne~~ *waves* 

personal, g: arashi, news, friends

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