The next-generation Common Anti-air Modular Missile (CAMM) is designed for use both at sea and on land. It has the capability to defend against anti-ship cruise missiles, aircraft and other highly sophisticated threats.
Designed and manufactured by MBDA in the UK, CAMM will be deployed using the Sea Ceptor and Land Ceptor weapon systems that will protect the Royal Navy’s Type 23 and future Type 26 warships, as well as enhancing the British Army’s Ground Based Air Defence system.
А что прикажете мне с ней делать, если вы сами ее сюда, а не туда выложили? Где потом искать? Ссылка на весь тред есть в теле поста, а ваши комментарии я править не могу, только свой крайний.
Кстати, возвращаясь к старому разговору - проект CAMM таки идёт своим чередом, хоть и не так динамично, как ожидалось -
CAMM - Sea Ceptor © MBDAMBDA has a secured a £323 million deal for the next batch of cutting-edge air defence missiles for the British Army and Royal Navy.
The next-generation Common Anti-air Modular Missile (CAMM) is designed for use both at sea and on land. It has the capability to defend against anti-ship cruise missiles, aircraft and other highly sophisticated threats.
Designed and manufactured by MBDA in the UK, CAMM will be deployed using the Sea Ceptor and Land Ceptor weapon systems that will protect the Royal Navy’s Type 23 and future Type 26 warships, as well as enhancing the British Army’s Ground Based Air Defence system.
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