014- Mow

Jun 12, 2011 03:29

mow Archaic .

1. a wry or derisive grimace.

and now, the drabble:

Torrent did his very best not to laugh at the expression on Ryn's face. First, it was a look of absolute horror. Horror was quickly replaced with disgust, then pity laced with mockery. It was all he could do to keep a straight face and not further insult Ryn's already offended French sensibilities.

"Poor darling simply doesn't know any better," she said. "Not her fault, really. Not all are lucky enough to be as well-bred as the French." She stroked Torrent's cheek when she said it.

“How magnanimous of you, Herzchen,” he replied with a secret smile and a kiss.

100 drabbles

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