Again I have change my header!
I love changing the header of my LJ and thanks to all those people who have taught me so much in terms of HTML codes and CSS styles! It is a new life!
My previous header was the Keira Knightley Photoshoot Vogue Magazine and it can be seen
here This one is inspired by the amazing Chanel No5 Perfume advertising campaign, I love the advertisement, the colours, the concept.
Gracias Mariel por la sugerencia :)
I have made two Nicole Kidman headers for those interested but probably I will be making a set icons later on :)
Info and Rules:
You can add fonts and write your own text to the headers.
You can preview the header here as part of the layout, with alterations
andreeac Comment please:)
Friend me if you feel like it, especially if you like something
Credit is optional, but appreciated
Please Do not HOTLINK
The brushes and textures credited at my Info Page
The photos belong to their rightful owner, I claim no rights; they were taken from
NicoleKidmanUnited and used only for creative purposes
Thank you!