Dec 30, 2004 13:53
getting to know you
whats your middle name?: Marie
where do you live?: East Rockaway
do you like it there?: Not really
what grade are you in?: 9th
do you have a job?: haha nope
do you have a lot of friends?: sure i guess
how many siblings?: 2
who do you live with?: my mom, dad, lauryn, anthony, and corky
whats your favorite era (60s, 70s, 80s)?: 80s
who is your favorite 90s band?: nysnc or spice girls lol
whos your favorite band/singer in general?: christina aguilera
name some of your favorite songs: alott
do you get sick a lot?: yea
whats your favorite type of candy?: swedish fish
how many cavities do you have?: not sure
have you ever cursed out your mom/dad?: haha yea
have you ever cried in public?: idk prob.
have you ever pissed your pants in public?: kinda .. lol nicole <33
whens the last time you pissed your pants at all?: god i don't remember the day!
what do you think of adult diapers?: they're funny
do you cry a lot?: not really
have you had the chickenpox?: yea
have you had pneumonia?: OMG YES! and everyone in school thought i was in the hospital .. funny shit!
have you ever been to a wedding?: yea
if yes were you a flowergirl/ringbearer/bridesmaid etc.?: none
have you ever been to a funeral?: yea
if yes did you really know the person that died?: yea
do you like parades?: they're okay .. kinda boring
have you ever known somebody that died & not cared?: no
about how many hours a day do you spend online?: alot
do you have a social life?: yea
rate school on a scale of 1-10.: 8
do you like ringpops? pushpops? gummi worms?: all 3
what do you think about people like good charlotte and avril lavigne?: POSERS!
do you think punkrock is dying/dead?: idkk
if yes, did it die about twenty years ago?: what
do you like nuts? (that's peanuts, sick kids): haha sure why not
do you change your profile on AIM at least once a day?: no but kat does :)
how many buddies are on your buddy list?: 200
do you have a diary?: nope just this fucker
if yes, is it a corny typical 14-year-old diary like on sitcoms?: uh no
do you like writing or dread it?: it's ok
what do you think about kurt cobain?: who?
what about aaliyah?: she was good
what's your dream car?: BENZ CONVERTABLE! ha like that will happen!
do you know a lot about cars?: not a thing
whats your expertise/obsession?: you :)
do you think brad pitt is THAT hot?: yeaa
is urban outfitters a sellout?: no
coke, pepsi, or neither?: pepsi
do you like mountain dew?: sure
what are your thoughts on gay marriage?: they should be allowed
what are your thoughts on abortion?: idk it's up to the person but i wouldn't do it
what are your thoughts on masturbation?: haha w.e ppl can do what they want
have you ever been stalked?: yea
have you ever seduced somebody?: idk maybe?
if at first you dont succeed, do you brush yourself off and try again?: sometimes
do you like peanut m&ms or regular m&ms better?: peanut
do you know why the hell eminem named himself after a candy?: haha not a clue
have you ever kissed someone under mistletoe?: nope
if yes, was it because you really liked them or becuz there was mistletoe?: uuhh
are you superstitious?: sure
do you pick up pennies if theyre heads up?: yea
do you write people handwritten letters or emails?: neither .. but letters more
do you prefer to recieve handwritten letters or emails?: handwritten
are you a fan of modern art?: suree i guess
are you a fan of art at all?: yea
what do you think about andy warhol or pop art in general?: wtf
do you actually do your homework?: yea sometimes
do you copy homework off of other people when you dont do it?: yea
do you like answering long surveys such as this?: when i'm bored
do u use prepositions at the ends of sentences even tho ur not suposed to?: a what
do you want/have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: don't have one and not sure if i want one
if no, why not?: dunno
do you like country music?: NOOO IT SHOULD DIE!
what about classical?: ahh it's okay
opera?: nope
do you love or despise oprah?: despise
do you laugh at martha stewart?: yea
about how many hours of TV do you watch a day?: maybe 1 .. not alot
do you think TV is a drug?: maybe
is the pen sharper than the knife?: WHAT?!
do you eat the crust of pizza?: yea .. best part
are you a vegitarian/vegan? why/why not?: what's a vegan?
do you believe in god?: yepp
what do you think about osama bin laden?: not really
what do you think about the FBI and the CIA?: i think of meghan and
when we played fbi at her house a million years ago lol! <33
are you lefthanded, righthanded or ambidextrous?: right handed
do you secretly want to be the opposite sex?: no
do you think girls or boys have it easier?: boys
do you think girls or boys work harder?: both
are you a pessimist?: a what
are you a worrywart?: nope
do you scare easily?: YES
whats your favorite movie, and why?: the notebook .. cause it's cute
whats your LEAST favorite old saying that you hate?: talk to the hand cause the face ain't listening lol
do you have a lot of posters or photos on your bedroom walls?: yeaa.. but on my door
what color are your walls?: tan
do you have a rug? if yes what color is it?: yea .. tan
do you think there is really such things as white lies?: yea
if yes, do you tell them a lot?: i guess
do you think honesty is important even when the truth hurts?: yes
are you a dork?: when i wanna be
do you think being a dork is really a bad thing?: nahh
do you have a lucky number and if so what is it?: 12
do you think you will end up in a nursing home when you are older?: haha prob. but i hope not
if no is it because you'll be in a mental institution instead?: maybee??
do you like rap?: yepp
is old school rap better than new school rap?: i guess
is old school punk better than new school punk?: dunno never heard old school punk
do you like garage rock?: it's ok
do you like rock at all? and if so whats your favorite genre?: ahh enough rock questions
whats your favorite thing to do on weekends?: hang out
do you have (a) best friend(s)?: best friendS
why are they your best friend(s)?: they are my lifee!
have you ever been on a roadtrip? if no, would you like to?: yea i have
how early do you wake up on school days/weekends?: school days .. 6 - weekends whenever unless gay prac.
do you think all boys are pervs?: nope
do you think it's okay to use gay as an insult?: i guess idk
how about 'faggot'?: sure
do you think 'nigger' is ok to use for black people?: no
what do you think about plastic surgery?: if you wanna do it do it
do you have high or low self esteem?: i forgot what self esteem means
do you think therapists actually help ppl or are just in it for the money?: both
do you think vandalism is fun?: suree .. did lots of it at pc <33 love you guys!
should weed be legal?: yes
would you move to holland just because of the change in laws?: dunno maybe
is the government controlling our minds through tv and advertising?: lol no
are you patriotic?: i guess
is george bush a good president?: KERRY KERRY KERRY KERRY!
why is america so much more violent than canada?: cause there's not really hockey anymore in america :(!!!!!!!!!!!!
why is america so damn fat?: 2 words .. mc donald's
do you like the tv show 'friends'?: i guess
what about 'will and grace'?: never seen it
do you like any tv at all? if yes whats your favorite show?: real world and growing up gottis
are you lonely?: right now .. yea
if yes, do you beat your dick like it owes you money? (chapelles show): HAHA ALL THE TIME!
are you a prude?: nope
remember that song 'peaches and cream'?: yess
do you like N.E.R.D?: yea
speaking of nerd, are you one?: sometimes
do you eat cough drops just because they taste good?: yea
have you ever done heroin?: nope
are you a heroine?: isn't that a bird?
have you ever done coke or crack?: nope
do you drink?: yea
if yes have you ever been so drunk you threw up everywhere?: yeaa
do you like the following songs..
rubberband man?: YES .. RBMC <33 anthony d. lol
through the wire?: yea
1 call away?: yea
heliotrope?: what
dream a little dream?: huh
come clean?: hillary duff should die
room on fire?: wtf
californacation?: sure
under the bridge?: what
yankee doodle?: um i guess
more random..
have you ever secretly wanted a pet elephant?: YES
do you have a crush?: yea
if you could make your room any theme at all, what would it be?: your butt!
is graffiti art or vandalism?: both
do you prefer to be alone or surrounded by people?: surrounded by ppl
are you shy?: nope
do you get paranoid a lot?: nah
whats your favorite scent in the world?: idkk
what do you think of satan worshipers?: idc
what do you think of marilyn manson?: he scares me
does kelly osbourne have talent?: at being a bitch? yea .. singing .. hah not at all
what about ozzy?: yeaa
would you/have you ever gone to ozzfest?: nope
would you/have you ever gone to warped tour?: nope
have you ever eaten a hotdog with chocolate syrup instead of ketchup?: EWWWW
have you ever dressed up as the opposite sex for a day?: yeaa with the i4 <3
have you ever pet a porcupine?: nope
can you say she sells sea shells by the sea shore 10 times fast?: haha no
do you wear skirts/dresses/high heels?: SKIRTSSS with kat and melissa! not really dresses or highheels!
do you prefer skirts or pants?: um depends
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?: uh 983924876435034598098593457345873458734587 :)
do you secretly wish you were born in the 70s?: no
do you have a stash of playboy magazines that you hide from your parents?: haha nope
have you ever dressed up like elvis and sang to yourself in the mirror?: no!
have you ever put a pillow in your shirt n pretended that u were pregnant?: yea
do you/would you dress up your dog?: yeaa
are you afraid of clowns?: some
whens the last time you showered?: last night
do you shave?: yea
do you have hydrophobia?: what?
do you like writing about yourself?: i guess
do you talk about yourself a lot?: don't think so
do you like salads?: sure
do you eat out a lot?:haha yess i got it from kat!