Lunchtime Ramble

May 09, 2017 14:01

Today's lunch : Frozen Mushroom and Goat Cheese Ravioli
It was delightful. I've got a few min before going back to work so I figure I have time to log my mental rant.

I realized today I'd never survive as a peasant. Sometimes I randomly think about living in older time periods (and invetiably coming to the conclusion that by having immunizations I'd probably decimate any population I'd be introduced to).

Accidental plagues aside, I don't think I'd be able to deal with the #PeasantLife. Here are my top 5 issues:
  1. Dirt floors - I'd constantly be sweeping until I'd hit bedrock or I'd be burned as a witch for trying to put wood floors in my hut.
  2. Hygiene - Having hot water available at all times is a luxury lost to peasants. Again I'd be burned as a witch for my frequent bathing and constantly boiling water over an open fire -- Side Note: maybe thats why witches are depicted as standing over a bubbling cauldron? They're just trying to get some warm bath water.
  3. Peasant Cuisine - mutton if you're lucky. Nuff said on that.
  4. Capitalizing on Fudalism - Going back in time would make it super tempting to become the inventor of something amazingly simple yet useful and lucrative. Like the invetor of belts, or calculus, or a cheeseburger. But its risky - you have to somehow convince the other peasants you aren't possessed or a witch (otherwise leading to death), convince them that you aren't crazy (also leads to death) and you don't get exocommunicated by the local church (not dead, but eternally doomed).
  5. Travel Bans - Not "bans" but just the lack of mobility would be a downer. Peasants limited to walking and as I drive around town I can't help but think "I wouldn't be able to go there if I were a peasant" (yes I think that).  Even with horses, that only really gives you a 5 - 10 mile  radius of travel per day unless you start packing provisions. No trips to Target :(
All in all, peasantry isn't the life for me. 


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