Oct 20, 2008 23:17
waaa! sho busy!
this weekend WAS going to be dedicated to playing P3, but i failed lol. here is what has recently happened to my stats and my time...
I ended up going out fri/sat and it was crazy. [-4 hours, -HP]
The church food festival was fri/sat and again...insanity ensued. [-10 hours, -HP]
Then Johnny P asked me to make a logo for his car shop. done and done. [-2 hours, +strength]
but NOW he wants me to make a decal for a car... ME!? a DECAL? someone is going to be riding around with my artwork on their car!?!? >.<
just thinking about it makes me want to gag. [- HP]
This is why i stopped making tattoos for people! its creepy!! [-4 hours, -strength]
And I got lego Indiana Jones for DS.[ -3 hours, - charm]
AND that book that I bought, i havent even finished the intro! Its about Chemical and Germ warfare in ancient times. [-academics, - 2 hours]
HOLY CRIP i just got dejavu! aaaaah. there arent enough hours in the day! seriously.
aaand my stats just keep fallin'
if life were an rpg