What is your first name? Andrea
What is your middle name? Celine
Were you named after anyone? Celine is my late Grandma's name
Do you like your name? i sure do
Do you wish on stars? yes but i don't take it seriously
When did you last cry? yesterday when i was watching 7th heaven. dear god it's sad to admit that that show brings tears to my eyes. so cheesy, but whatever. lol
Do you like your handwriting? when i take my time, yes
Do you like someone? If so who do you like? lol...Jake Blomberg. damn! ...though i rarely talk to him
Are you a virgin? no
If so did you like the girl/guy? from the first minute i saw him.
Do you still like him/her? i do
If you would have a kid at this age what would you do? abort
How many times have you had sex? uhhh...can't count
What do you look for in a guy or a girl? someone i can have fun with and talk to...and of course, looks do count.
Are you a romantic person? yes
What are you scared of most? committment
What is your darkest secret? well...i really don't have a secret that dark
What is you favorite class? psychology
Who is your best friend? don't know...right now probably jess, kyle, or andrew
Who can or do you talk to when your sad? andrew...he's always the one i go to, his hugs can make me feel better no matter what
Who can or do you talk to when your happy? my dad
Who can or do you talk to when your mad? it always seems to be jeff i'm talking to when i'm mad...cuz it's usually him that i'm mad at
Who can or do you talk to when you feel lonely? kyle, definitely kyle
What is your favorite lunch meat? it's recently become ham n cheese...gotta be hot though
What is your birthdate? september 6, 1987
What is you most embarrassing moment? ummmm...don't really have one
What is your most embarrassing CD? the mavericks...i don't know where i got it, but i don't have it anymore. good thing.
If you were another person, would YOU be friends with yourself? yes
Do you like who you are? no
If you could change something about you what would it be? stop being so self-conscious, start conversations with more people
Are you a daredevil? depends on the situation
Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? yes, but only when they're dumb secrets and i know it doesn't matter if anyone finds out, the person is just being retarded by telling me i CAN'T TELL ANYONE!!! der. lol
Do looks matter? of course.
How do you release anger? in a bitter sense of road rage when there's someone in the passenger seat to absorb everything. lol
Have you ever tried hurting your self? yes
Do you like where you live? the answer to this is a FUCK NO. excuse the language, but the obscenities were a must.
Where is your second home? Kyle and Trev's, or my house in ames
Do you worry about what people think about you? i used to...i still do now, just not nearly as much as i did
Are you afraid of talking to new people? every once in a while
Do you make friends easily? Yes, I think so
Do you trust others too easily? i definitely do, and i'm working on that problem.
Are you shy? not really
Do you talk to much? probably
Do you feel guilty about anything? yes
What was your favorite toy as a child? probably my legos or lite-brites
Do you have a journal? Yes, online and paper
Do you go to church? yes
Do you believe in God? No
Do you like school? sometimes...well yes, i do. every once in a while i hate it dearly, but that's only when somethin happens to piss me off
How many secrets do you have that no one know about? tons
Do you use sarcasm a lot? no, geeze, that is ridulous, why would i use sarcasm?
What is/are your favorite movie(s)? Donnie Darko, Moulin Rouge, Chicago, Sin City, Fight Club, Seven, Pirates of the Caribbean
What is your favorite animal? cat, penguin
What are your (acceptable) nicknames? i prefer Andrea. and that is that.
Would you bungee jump? hell yes
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No
Do you think that you are strong? physically--hell no, emotionally--hell no, mentally--yes
What is your favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate
What size of shoe do you wear? 8
What are your favorite colors? Green and Pink
What is your least favorite thing about yourself? my feet, granny arms(the flab underneath the biceps that jiggles when i lift my arm to wave) hehe...and my calves
Who do you miss most? my grandpas, steve, trevor, tanner(sadly, i do miss him), and someone who shall remain nameless.
Do you want to get married? If so at what age? no, never
How many kids do you want? zero
What color pants are your wearing? Blue jeans
What are you listening to right now? "She Drove me to Daytime Television" Funeral for a Friend
What was the last thing you watched on TV? Summerland
What was the last thing you ate? sammich at Panera
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Cyan
Do you have a good memory? i remember a lot of details of things that have happened recently, but anything before sophomore year is out of my memory.
What is the weather like rite now? warm and sunny :) let me call Time & Temp and get the temp....it is...4:37 and 77 degrees!!!
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Bryan
The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? eyes and smile
What is your favorite drink? mike's hard lemonade
What is your favorite sport? wrestling
What is your hair color? dark brown
What is your eye color? whatever i feel like in the morning...
Do you wear contacts? yes
Do you drink? Yes
Do you smoke? Yes
Do you do any drugs? No
What is your favorite Food? dannon yogurt and pizza
What is your favorite book? Gerald's Game by Stephen King
What is the last movie you watched? Hoosiers....ugh
What is your favorite Day of the Year? this year, it will definitely be my birthday. i'll be 18. score.
Do you like Scary Movies or Happy Endings? i lean more to happy endings nowadays. i get too scared of horror movies now. nightmares. lol
Do you like summer or winter? Summer
Do you like Hugs or kisses? both. :)
What is Your Favorite Dessert? dannon vanilla yogurt
Do you have high or low self-esteem? low
Do you like where your self-esteem is? no
Do you put yourself down? yes
Do you ever think your not good enough? constantly
Where Would You Want to Go on your Next Vacation? Fiji, Germany, or South Padre
Where were you born? Carroll, Iowa
What Books are you reading? Helter Skelter
What's on your mouse pad? black with a grey circle and DELL in the circle...dad's computer
What did you Watch Last Night on TV? surprisingly i didn't watch any tv. dad was in the living room when i got back from work, and i went to bed late so didn't watch any in my room.
What is your favorite smell? Curve or Michael Jordan cologne
What's the furthest you've been away from home? St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
What is your favorite quote? The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.