Feb 21, 2005 12:02
mmm yesterday was fun me and maegan walked over to sam's house and sam m was there we hung out for bout 3 hours it was cool.... then we came back to my house and we went to the movies but maegans parents picked her up there :( so she didnt watch the movie but i watched CONSTANTINE lol awesome movie..
i miss mike a lot :(:(:(:(:( I LOVE YOU MIKE!!!
o im soo happy we r ok now... im prolly going to the beach 2day kayla and meagan are there with marcy they r witin for me but my moms not home yet lol ;) SHHH mm mike if u want come 2 and then we will go to the skate park or u can go to the skate park and walk 2 the beach lol HAHHA
kk mmm ?
what would u do if i died 2morrow?????
would u cry or forget bout me??