Jan 10, 2006 03:49
Finally got in to see a counselor today, and tweaked my school schedule.
Unfortunately, now there's a problem with my friggen financial aid.
Well, here's the class list anyway:
The English and Political Sciences I'm retaking, because when I previously took them, it was a year I never went to class, so I only made Bs and Cs in them. I figure if I actually attend, an A will be a cakewalk, since those two are my strong suits - English and Politics.
Tuesdays and Thursdays
ENGL 1117 Reading/Writing I 8:00A- 9:40A
HIST 1624 U.S. History to 1865 10:00A-11:50A
POLS 1619 International Relations 12:30P- 1:45P
POLS 1615 91 Intro to American Govt 5:30P- 8:15P
Fun times, I suppose. So I missed out on govt tonight, but tomorrow (actually, about 4 hours from now) the fast-track to teaching begins!