Aug 01, 2014 09:58
"One relies on one's experience. But "experience" can be merely the repetition of the same error often enough... One must be willing, even anxious, to learn from one's error. This requires a degree of humility, a readiness to listen to the arguments of others, including those of one's juniors, and the inclination to re-examine cases in which a mistaken diagnosis has been made and to analyse the reasons for the original mistake?'
JOHN G. AZZOPARDI Problems in Breast Pathology
"Thus I learned early on the great importance of a close correlation between clinical and pathological studies. Each complements and supplements the other; it is impossible to do intelligent surgery without a thorough understanding of the pathology of disease and it is equally impossible to make an intelligent interpretation of pathology without a clear under-standing of its clinical implications."
ARTHUR PURDY STOUT Guiding the Surgeon's Hand: The History of American Surgical Pathology Juan Rosai (Editor)
essentials of diagnostic breast patholog,