There are how many days left in December? What? 12. AHHHH~ *rips out hair* I'm so fucked.
I got back my SAT II scores..not terribly encouraging.
I just need to write those damn essays! Just a few paragraphs..but nothing's coming to me. Thank God I'm not a writer!...And I've got to arrange that interview. Why must I have an interview? I come off as neurotic on interviews, crazy and bipolar. Not that I'm much different in normal conversation, but I'm not usually trying to get into college by speaking to everyone else.
/blind panic and juvenile ranting
I am so thankful there are distractions. My hair can't take much more abuse.
This is a collab with
DracoPlato. The Draco and the DracoFangirl are her's. Harry's mine :D This really cheered me up :D. I think I'll ask her permission to post it at
ETA: Turns out I can't use proper grammar X'D, I hadn't noticed.
Catboys lick *g* Another picture to bother Twilight.
Spam colors. I managed a somewhat cute looking girl face.
Tryin' out a colorin' style. I'm not sure it worked or not...hmmmm
This was a doodle from Thursday of finals. The finals day that in which I watched movies and did not take tests (this was followed by Friday, the finals day in which I took NEMT, Nastily Excruciating Muggle Tests). I finally managed one of those cheesy photoshop background of the foreground. Blah.
*promise to self = Get it all done before Christmas*