Hey guys *hugs*
I'm not dead, really I'm not.
I'm all fully moved in :D
First is my room~
It's very narrow. I'd been describing it to my father before we decided to get furniture and he didn't believe that it could possibly be so narrow that I couldn't fit a bed across the back. OH HOW WRONG HE WAS. He stood in my room and could touch both sides easy ;___; But I don't care, 'CAUSE IT'S AWESOME AND ALL MINE. Plus, I get to freak people out by having a pink comforter :-p
It is in a basement. I know. Bad D: But, asside from that one mouse (lovingly nicknames Little Dead Bastard, or LDB for short), we're thoroughly enjoying it. We're all so pleased with the exposed!pipe-chic. The kitchen's been cleaned more since that photo, not to mention additional storage.
Ikea blessed our apartment with couches and lamps. Though it's enough rundown that it doesn't look like it popped out of a magazine XD Unfortunately, we seem to be having the worst luck ever with electronics. Sara (Sara of Sara and Sarah, my two roommates *not their real names, but equivalent to the confusion I regularly experience*) bought a really high tech TV (not to mention a HUGE 27" screen :OOO) but it DOESN'T WORK D: or rather, the screen's warped like mad.
At first we thought it was an input problem, we don't have our cable and internet all worked out (we're stealing internet from a neighbor..though, he knows we're stealing it, so it's not really stealing I guess). So we bought a DVD player. Low and behold, the screen really is just messed up, but semi-watchable.
Then the DVD player started cutting out randomly. It'd freeze for seemingly no reason. Nothing a restart couldn't fix. UNTIL YESTERDAY DDDD: it's just crapped out and won't even open the DVDrom. DDDD: IT'S HOLDING MY HOUSE DVD'S HOSTAGE!!!! *cries*
But other than a few issues, the apartment's working out. It's a short trek to campus, but it's nice to get some exercise. Though, it might get real troublesome come winter D:
My roommates are kind and sensible. In contrast I've been a pretty terrible roommate. Stress makes me nasty. Best thing to do is let me chill out and calm down, but we just all had to go to Target when I had an assignment *grumbles* Anyho- I'm trying to modify my behavior ;_; I always thought I was so calm, guess not *shrugs* Perhaps I'm not the type to live with people.
I'll probably not be around much anymore. School is quite demanding this semester (and probably through the year). But I'll try to keep posting <3 Definitely e-mail me at andreannaness [at] hotmail [dot] com if you need to reach me
*SUPER HUGS* Oh man, I'm gonna miss the internets Q____Q
And one last thing:
elledupommeThis thing is just stunning. Artistically and conceptually. I went through it all in amazement before I fully realized that there was text too, and then I just had to go back and read. Really existentialist and beautiful. PLEASE VISIT :O