I was bored and decided to take my lunch hour and go home and take pictures of my neighborhood.
Yes, I'm odd.
Anyway! pictures!
The now treeless yard. Oh dear. We're in the process of re-landscaping it.
Where the tree dude fell. (We had a guy fall from said trees that they were cutting down for us. ambulances and the whole shindig. Dude is alright, tons of broken bones and stuff though)
The new mailbox! The Road! The neighbors! The bumper of my car!
My actual car! Wooot for the purplemobile!
My road! Woot for 1.5 laners. (seriously, two trucks cannot go down at the same time.)
The flower/plant bed that is being redone. We're making it into a nascar track shape with a rock wall around it thingie. *shrug*
The "woods" across the street from us. During the fall, deer freqently just hang out there.
The first place I worked when we moved to Houghton Lake. Joy. (she paid me pretty good though)
Actual building of florist. Yes, it is a pink schoolhouse. Also of note, this is on the same road as my parents house. So, literally it's a 2 minute walk away. And my father has NEVER bought my mother flowers from it. How lazy is that?
My bank! Right across the street from florist and my street. A 4 minute walk with traffic. :-D
Now the good stuff:
Teh lake! Houghton Lake. Beautiful day too.
More of lake. This part of the lake, with the mini-beach and small dock is about a block from my house. I just walk down one road and I'm here.
Our Pontoon. The dock belongs to a dude who works at the same place as my Dad, so we pay a $25 fee every year to keep it there for all spring, summer and fall. Not shabby at all.
More of lake. It's a very big lake.
Pretty clear too!
The road I walked to get to lake. Lake is directly behind me, and my house is on the left, just a little past the stopsign. (there's about two houses on the road right past the stopsign, ours is right after that)
Where we have to put our trash, to avoid racoons and other critters. :-D
Well, that was fun! WooWoo!
No stalking, please.
(Also: GIP!)