Need the grace to find what can't be found

Nov 03, 2005 14:37

Jesus, You are more into me than I'm into You. That in itself creates a desire to be into You. It all makes sense. Friends are so great. Here is my song to you...

I've picked you up and placed you in me
There's a fondness I've acquired
But I mistake my failures for love
And it's ok to be lost
And it's ok to be right
Dance in the middle of the room in the middle of the night
Confront my uninviting ways
I'll put everything important down for a while

Let's pick apart these walls
let's deal with bleeding wounds
Why did I hide when your inside mirrors mine?
Let's fail and know it
There's a beauty to all of our trangression

The clarity of hope in your lows
I'll drink to that
I'll drink to recap
Rewind until I'm at His feet
Where blind equals seeing
And lost equals a certainty of believing
I shout for some extra credit
But we know it's all right here

So let's dress up and have a party
I can rejoice with you
You and I
we know each other in the lows
You and I
we've forgotten the other's tricks and stealth
I'll come see you when you're old
if you care for my kids when i'm out of town
we'll have a party
they'll see the beauty of mercy
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