(no subject)

Jul 16, 2016 10:06

I slept last night from 6:20 until 8 this morning. Things got all messed up when I drank a red bull before the Bunnies show on Thursday. It was one of those situations where I offered couch space to a touring band so I had to at least go and meet them beforehand. They ended up wanting to crash in Worcestor to break up the trip to a show Portland, so I was off the hook but still mentally energized as hell. Earlier that day a joke I made about the growing facade of bourgeois in Great Falls was used "name and gender changed" to illustrate an ugly picture of class divide and ignorance of true poverty among "artists" and their hip friends. I was fucking pissed, then had a lot of introspection which led me to the conclusion that that person is a shitty selfaggrandizing person who would rather write a long aggressive rant than take part in an actual conversation about a real problem. That shit weighs on my mind, tho. I do not respond well to masculine aggression and when it comes to it I have a problem not imagining myself punching that guy, wish I could say I didn't. I would not call myself a socialite, or hip.
Optimism about people and community is an attitude I intentionally take.
But maybe the root of the fatigue was the quick trip we took CT which was tough sandwiched between two eight hours days. My mind and body were all out of sync so I woke up early yesterday and realized Bryan had a UHaul and need help loading his garage stuff, and it was hot and heavy and I hated it. My parents simultaneously guilt tripped me into calling them. Crystal saw me and came over to admit that her memory was impaired and she had forgotten my name. Then I went swimming with Cathe! And it was so good and then to the warehouse where I sat among the weeds until going home to sleep for twelve hours.
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